Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>improvement</span>

Writing to be read.

Here’s my point (TL;DR*): Write to be read.** Where do I get off? As you read this, don’t forget: I’m speaking from experience as a bad writer of email! I’ve made every mistake I point out here, and most of them countless times over. I have lots of room to improve as a writer. But in the same …

Link tracking

Starting with this release, a few of us have tossed around and then quickly ramped up a process for link tracking. This started with a question from Mike McGrath on the logistics list, and the purpose is to know where people are finding our download site and other properties. Eventually …

Finding the next failure.

I caught up on the last couple days of the Planet, and found two particularly interesting posts, one by Kevin Fenzi and the other by John Poelstra. The former contains a years-old (but still 100% accurate) presentation on protecting an open source project from threats from within. The latter contains …

Goals and gold.

First, thanks to Greg for an excellent, thoughtful post on Fedora’s goals. I remember well — and I’m sure Greg does too — the FUDCon in Raleigh in January 2008 where members of the Fedora community sat down to try to distill “what Fedora stands for” into a powerful message. …