Thanks, Greg, for once again proving the point that free software is really about the freedom and not the cost. What’s the deal with the paper-thin FUD saying, “hardware vendors don’t certify source RPMs”? Of course they do! Source is tied one-to-one to the binary RPMs the hardware vendors certify; it’s an implicit logic. Where else would the binary RPMs come from, outer space?
Stallman’s idea was all about freedom, which is what makes it truly genius, and truly lasting. And that meant freedom to profit too — he may not personally be interested in that facet, but he knew some people would be, and the free software movement reflects that as it should. By all means, give everything away if it makes you happy; but don’t think for a moment that’s the only way to be ethically and morally pure. There’s nothing wrong with making an honest buck, as long as it’s honest.