Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
I’m in ur interwebz postin ur docs.

I’m in ur interwebz postin ur docs.

In a whirlwind of activity tonight, I:

  • Updated the release notes with the latest diffs from the wiki, by converting them to DocBook XML
  • Published all the release notes from the ISO spins
  • Published the US English release notes for the Web update (other translations and a package update to follow when they’re ready)
  • Published the Installation Guide for Fedora 7, so far in four languages, with more to come

The sad part is most of this is a fairly tedious manual process, so this took the better part of the evening. I long for the day when our CMS will make this process look clunky and ridiculous. Or rather, more so.

One comment

  1. karsten 'quaid' wade

    Sir, you are a scholar, a gentleman, and a true friend, of myself and of us all. thanks a mill-and-a-half for your hardwork and dedication and good humor and modesty and a few other good words.

    In other words, YOU KICK ASS and THANKS. 🙂

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