Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
FAD Fedora Talk 2009 Day 0.

FAD Fedora Talk 2009 Day 0.

This afternoon, I’m picking up the first of several attendees of the Fedora Activity Day for Fedora Talk, where we’ll spend the following two days hacking on the Fedora Project’s VoIP systems in pursuit of a more featureful way for community members to communicate with each other.

Fedora Talk is based on Asterisk, the open source PBX, and we’ve been using it successfully for well over a year to facilitate high-bandwidth conversations between community members while maintaining transparency. The features we’re hoping to provide are laid out in our game plan, as are use cases that we’re hoping to completely tackle, and document on the website for easier use by our community members. Ace organizer John Poelstra wrote about our planning efforts earlier, which have themselves been a very worthwhile enterprise.

You’ll find us in IRC on #fedora-fad throughout the event, and we’ll be providing status reports as we go in the hopes of inspiring other future FAD organizers!

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to bring together some talented people face to face for this sprint. My hearty thanks to each person involved for the willingness to give your time to participate, including our remote attendees and Fedora Infrastructure sponsors for their invaluable assistance.  More news coming soon…