After getting in a little before 3:00 a.m., I slept like a log. Eleya took the kids to the playground while I was passed out this morning, so with the total silence and all, I ended up sleeping until the unconscionable hour of 11:00. It strikes me as interesting that spending all night drinking, swearing, and carousing with friends would be completely unacceptable to my wife, whereas it’s perfectly all right with her since I did it on stage and got paid. Ah, my old friend, the Wheel of Commerce! Thanks for keeping Saturday night safe for scoundrels.
I am trying to get motivated to do some work on Fedora this weekend but I keep getting sidetracked. I’m feeling a bit like Bilbo these days, “like butter that has been scraped over too much bread.” I think the trip to the Red Hat Summit in Nashville at the end of the month will give me a little relief from the daily grind, plus (hopefully) a nice little motivational goose.