The Grand Fallacy

Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
The Grand Fallacy

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers daily the thousands of men and women who serve and protect us both here and abroad. They risk their lives and futures so that we might enjoy freedom, which is the singular human right bought at so dear a cost. For surviving families …

I didn’t get a chance to post earlier this week, but our Sunday night CD release party was splendid. Many people showed up, including a few friends I didn’t expect and was terribly happy to see (you know who you are, M.K. and E.D.). The show went great… I had …

Friday night backing up Steve McWilliams at Zig’s was fun, although we made a plethora of boo-boo’s — mostly due to the fact that we had one practice before performance, after having not played Steve’s material for about a year now. It’s funny how your memory stack gets handled to …

So I find out this morning that we are in the Pop Quiz feature in this week’s Washington CityPaper. Go check out our big-ass wit forthwith.

Bought some cool new duds yesterday for the big gig. Perhaps someone will bring a camera and take some good pictures. Also, I delivered Mom her new computer yesterday and took down the vintage 1997 Gateway POS she was running. I’m sure we can find a service to which she …

Here is a fantastic article on why software patents are mostly unnecessary, and why they stifle innovation. Worth a read! So Mom’s new computer is a doozy. It’s a really sleek case with one of those pimped-out LED fans on the side (and a clear cutout to see the innards …

Yo, built a nice computer for my moms tonight. You can peep it tomorrow after I get some time for snapping digital pictures. Off to bed since I have an early call for rehearsal tomorrow.

Here’s one of the first reviews of the new album. You’ll be able to buy this online at the Aware Records online store on Tuesday, September 9, but if you’re a real playa, you’ll come over to the IOTA Club and Cafe on Sunday, September 7 for the release party.  ?

So now the loony eco-terrorists are targeting car dealerships for their vandalism and detestable acts. It’s far easier to simply slip in under the cover of night and destroy people’s property, than to actually work constructively to change the course of public policy. Just another sign of our lazy, easy-way-out, …

Today we had an ultrasound for the new baby… the pictures are here and here. Our doctor says everything is perfectly normal, except for the fact that the baby is just a little bit bigger than usual by this age. Of course, Evie was more than two weeks early and …