Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Design</span>

Sub Hub hubbub.

Have you seen Máirín Duffy’s post on the Fedora Design team’s next-generation design for the Fedora Project website? It’s a brilliant design based around the idea of a “sub hub.” These screens help customize the website to fit different sub-communities, initiatives, teams, or projects. Máirín published this post with the …

Insight into Insight.

As you may remember, Gentle Readers, not too long ago I changed roles in Red Hat to work more on management and administration within the platform engineering department, where I work for Tim Burke. Even if you haven’t run into Tim at one of our Fedora Users and Developers Conference …

Talk FAD?

I’ve been thinking of a FAD to upgrade Fedora Talk, our project voice-over-IP system. So I started by putting a skeleton of planning information on this wiki page. What I really need to do is gather a few people there with insight and skills in one or more of the …