Just wanted to note that I’m going to Ohio Linux Fest 2011:

For a long time, Ohio Linux Fest has been one of the great community shows in the nation. This year I’m proud to be selected as a speaker, doing a talk on PyGObject for beginners. I’ll also be happily catching up with some friends from Fedora and many other cool communities, and taking in some of the spectacular talks. (For example, I can’t wait to catch Klaatu’s talk on the emerging project Novacut — but how am I going to reconcile that with another good talk at the same time by Mel Chua?)
Notable members of the free software community will be abundant, with lots of ways for you to meet and collaborate with like-minded freedom lovers from all around the region and the country. The registered supporter package for Ohio Linux Fest is extremely cheap, especially considering the days of awesome content you’ll find at the conference. Plus, you get some cool gifts and a swank t-shirt to show that you put your money where your mouth is.
I’m very much looking forward to the show and a great weekend of Linux and free software. See you there!