Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Revenge of balloon-head.

Revenge of balloon-head.

FUDCon news.

Another sign that one shouldn’t spend a lot of time emailing large groups of people while on decongestants:


Long and short is, though, that FUDCon F11 is in full swing, and coming up January 9-11 in Boston. All the important details are on the wiki, and you don’t even need an account to pre-register on that page.

Board news.

Tempting fate, though, I pressed on today to announce that Christopher Aillon is returning to the Fedora Board. Two seats remain for community election, and a final seat for appointment. I’m looking forward to the elections, because every single one of the nominees standing for election is a solid contender with a wealth of experience, but there is a diversity of backgrounds, which I hope the community considers when they cast votes.


And with that, I’m going offline for a bit. I’ve felt like the proverbial dog dookie for a couple days now — some sort of sinus thing that I just want to sleep off in the comfiest and most isolated manner possible. And since I’m meeting Greg in Richmond tomorrow afternoon I need to have a spring in my step. Because keeping up with him is perilous, perilous work.