Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>contribution</span>

Fedora 12 Alpha!

Today marks the Fedora 12 Alpha release, hot off the presses! You can pick up a copy to try all the latest technologies here: // I’ve been running the Alpha version for about a week or so on one of my home machines. While there are some minor foibles here …

How about that desktop?

I figured while I’m in a super-bloggy mood today I’d add this tidbit. Someone asked me a question about what might be missing from distributions like Fedora that would help it reach more users. This question isn’t new and I’ve given the subject a lot of thought over the last …

Worsed than damned lies?

A word about statistics: Fedora continues to be completely open and transparent about the ways we gather statistics and the ways we present them. We don’t document these statistics for purposes of competition, but because we believe our community and our sponsors are invested and interested in knowing some of …