Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>school</span>

Enrichment day 4.

This week was the last enrichment class for my group of fifth graders.  As I reported in the last installment, the syllabus ended up changing a bit to adapt for the unexpected difficulty of some of the concepts.  Variables in particular were difficult, but eventually the students started to understand …

Enrichment days 2 and 3.

I’m sorry I got behind in posting about the enrichment class last week. After week 1 went so well, I thought I’d easily be able to post updates weekly, but alas, it was not to be. However, this wasn’t just because of other workload. The week 2 class actually didn’t …

Enrichment day 1.

Yesterday was day 1 of the enrichment class I’m teaching at my daughter’s elementary school. The class is elementary computer programming using Python, and has a total of six students, all fifth-graders. Actually, the first class only had five, because one went home on the bus by accident instead of …