Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields


Very little to report lately, with the band on a temporary holiday hiatus. I’ve found myself much more satisfied at work lately after moving my desk to a new office. It’s quieter, and although I myself am not a big fan of very quiet offices, I find that my concentration is improving there. This could be due to the fact that I’m not a kid anymore, and need more quiet than I used to, but I think it has more to do with morale.

One of the tenets of blogging is that you don’t write things you wouldn’t want everyone you know to read, because sooner or later, they surely will. So I’ll leave it at the fact that I’m sitting with a new group and it’s helped re-energize me daily.

Meantime, I put up the Christmas tree today and we’re getting ready to celebrate Ethan’s second birthday tomorrow. It’s hard to believe we’ve been parents of two children for that long now. I guess it’s true, what the ubiquitous “they” say, about how fast they grow up. Evie is going to be five in March and she already seems so tall.

Probably I’m late to the party again, but I am so hooked on Sudoku I can’t believe it. Eleya saves the hardest ones in the newspaper for me to puzzle over. Sometimes we stand hunched over the kitchen counter next to each other, silently puzzling our puzzlers over the little grids. Does that count as “together” time?


  1. Eric

    Dude I’m a freakin’ Sudoku junkie too! When my PDA was working I would go to and input a bunch of the puzzles into my PDA to work on later.

    I even bought a book which is supposed to turn me into a Sudoku Grandmaster but so far I think I just have a pink belt. :^)

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