Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Head ’em up.

Head ’em up.

So I’m sure that title has never, ever been used in a blog entry about Rawhide. Ahem. Anyhoo…

I’m trying F7 test3 (more or less, whatever Rawhide was this afternoon) on my ThinkPad T60p and, like Warren, getting absolutely no love from my ipw3945 wireless using the new iwlwifi. This is a supreme bummer, because it’s really impossible for me to work at home right now without wireless, which allows me to stay around where the kids are and keep an eye on them. It also allows my wife to at least observe my physical presence during nighttime hours, even if I’m not paying attention to her. And yes, now that you mention it, she is, in fact, a saint.

With the new 3025 kernel, I’m no longer seeing random kernel lockups, but I’m not sure how to help bugfile this ipw3945 problem. It seems pretty widespread but I want to contribute useful help with the bug. Anyone who wants to wield the cluestick, strike at will. (Not the face! Not the face!)

UPDATE: Nope, the kernel deadlock problem continues. It usually shows itself when I load a voluminous page in Firefox.


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