Not sure whether to laugh or cry at this one, from Evolution in Rawhide:

So tell me, Evo developers, if top posting isn’t recommended, why is it that when I start a reply, my cursor opens a blank line at the beginning of the message and positions itself there?
Not sure what the evo people thought, but I think that behavior is proper (at least if I got your post right) : You normally say “Hi folks” at the top of the mail; after typing that you scroll down, remove the quoted parts you don’t reply to and put your own words right below the quoted parts you leave (e.g. in context).
IOW: top posting is bad. But bottom posting without trimming the quoted parts is not much better IMHO, thus curser at the top is the right thing to do.
to write a salutation?
OK, I’ll buy the “trimming” part, for sure — I do that all the time myself. I think saluations at the top are overrated myself, but that’s probably just personal taste. I still feel the overall effect, though, is going to encourage top-posting. Ah well, there are too many other things to get feathers ruffled over to worry about this one too much. I was just amused at the dialog, is all… 🙂