Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Only with less of the fancy footwork.

Only with less of the fancy footwork.

There’s a HUGE federal government IT show going on in Washington, DC in April called FOSE (rhymes with “saucy”, like the famous dance choreographer). I’d like to round up a small cadre of people to go there to represent Fedora.

I’m looking into what, if any, schwag we can round up for the show, but given the timing versus the F8/F9 cycle, it’s doubtful we’ll have hundreds of discs to give out. I’d rather talk to people who stop by about what’s important about Fedora and FOSS, leveraging my background (of the three-letter variety), and make Live media as needed. I’m certainly not shutting the door, if there are people out there who want to donate anything of that variety!

Get in touch and let me know if you’re interested.