Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Red Hat Summit 2010 plans.

Red Hat Summit 2010 plans.

I recently drafted a page on the Fedora wiki for planning our presence at the Red Hat Summit 2010 in Boston on June 22-25. That page has, among other things, an attendee list. Never too early to plan ahead! We had a great time and a lot of interest at the Fedora booth at previous Summit events. We were able to talk to many of the attendees about how Fedora fits into the open source practices at Red Hat, and of course pass out a lot of free Fedora gifts. And even when attendees were ensconced in sessions, it was never hard to pass the time — Fedora people are notoriously fun to hang around with.

Last year, for instance, the indefatigable Scott McBrien, valued Fedora Ambassador (known as “StabbyMc” on IRC), brought a big box of vintage Red Hat goodies accumulated over his illustrious career. Having been instructed by his better half to clean out the junk, he turned it over to the Fedora booth for disbursement. Palms sweated; hearts quickened; eyes twinkled like those of children on Christmas morning. But enough about me. Hey, even some of the old-time Red Hatters came by to pick up collectibles. I wonder how many of those trinkets hit eBay after the Summit….

Honestly, I only picked up only a couple things I felt I couldn’t live without, but the best goodie was a ridiculously long stocking cap, which I proceeded to wear for the rest of the day. (Thanks Scott!) I got several “compliments” about my headgear that, looking back, might have been a bit sarcastic… but I’m absolutely sure the folks at the Red Hat Cool Stuff Store across the pavilion were totally jealous. Totally.

Anyway, enough haberdashery for one post.

This year, we are planning on an expanded presence. It won’t be anything like a FUDCon because we’ve found that those events run better separately from other big, exciting events like a Red Hat Summit. But we will have a booth, and hopefully a special Fedora room where we can stage demos, hands-on labs, hardware testing, and 1×1 technical advice.

If you’re a Fedora contributor who plans to be at the Summit and you’re interested in meeting up with other Fedora folks or possibly helping at the booth or the room, please sign up on the page to let us know. We’re working on securing a small number of free booth passes for volunteers who are willing and able to help out. More details will appear on the page as we head toward spring.

And of course, don’t forget that you can sign up for a registration reminder for the Summit by clicking here.

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