Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Fedora</span>


With regard to my friend Greg, who is now in the same town as me for a few days, and whom I might see later this week: Me: “Greg’s great.” My dining companion: “But a little full of himself.” Me: “Well, maybe, but if you were him, wouldn’t you be …

Giving it away for free.

Thursday evening I had the pleasure of chatting with students at Seneca College in Toronto about Fedora and getting involved with open source. The students are in a program called LUX, a graduate certificate curriculum that is more about system administration and integration than programming per se. These students’ interest …

Updates on the way.

In case you hadn’t read the news, Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 updates are now available again through the mirrors. Read release engineer Jesse Keating’s announcement for more information on the new signing key, and a summary of what you need to do (answer: very little, thanks to a lot …

Li’l hug.

This has been an extraordinarily long and busy day, and other than a couple hours of breaks for lunch, dinner, bio, and munchkin bedtime rustlin’, I’ve been on the computer from 7am until 11pm. But before I left for the day I wanted to thank a trio of folks, Jens …

FUDCon F11 Boston dates.

Don’t get too excited yet — we don’t have dates to announce yet, but we should have them fairly soon. One of the most important considerations in planning a FUDCon is making sure the facility will acommodate 100-200 Fedora hackers. You need a fairly robust network, ample seating for hackfests, …

Blog stats whoring.

This came up in conversation earlier this week and I didn’t want to forget outright to post it. If you’re sending links around for Fedora Project wiki pages, make sure you’re using the https: method (note the “s”). That helps people who are logged in — they’ll get the proper …