Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>General</span>

Apple turnover.

Unbeknownst to me (until now), the Apple store in Evansville, Indiana, which hosted bellied-up at the end of 2004, which is why my mail there has been bouncing — and why there’s now a generic travel sales site taking up referrals from that URL. I had hoped that the …

Bring out the GIMP.

I am loving the new GIMP 2.2. Used it to retouch this photo of Ethan, taken just a few days ago. It was a snap to use some of the tools to reduce the depth of focus, airbrush some â??moistureâ? on his face (readers who are parents will know whereof …

Condi on parade.

As if being sniped at by Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) weren’t enough (wow! who could have seen that coming?), Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice was taken to task by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) for comments she made to Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) concerning the tsunami disaster and its impact …

The revealing science of God?

(With apologies for the title, taken from a particularly ugly bit of Yes bloat-o-rama from the 1970’s.) Chris has posted an entry regarding Antony Flew’s change of heart regarding a/theism. I found this incredibly interesting, especially given my own philosophical musings of late. Particularly fascinating, perhaps even eerily familiar, given …

WMD or no WMD.

This article is a grisly reminder of why the war in Iraq was justified on more than simply grounds of whether Saddam Hussein had a ready stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Now, however, what are we to do with Sudan?

Addendum to 2008.

Well, maybe Edwards might be the more realistic candidate. He would be a departure from the Democratic Party’s norm: He’s a Southerner. He hasn’t spent his whole life in the legislature. He’s too young to be a vet. He doesn’t put people to sleep when he speaks. On the other …