Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Red Hat</span>

Playing hooky, no. 20.

As some Fedora Project folks already know, this coming Monday is a US holiday, and it’s often celebrated with outings or travel, so you might not see some of your fellow Fedorans around that day. (Also, Red Hat is closed for that holiday, and I imagine many of the Red …

Holiday notice.

Red Hat in the United States celebrates the Friday before Easter Sunday as a holiday. So tomorrow, April 2nd, I expect that some USA-based Red Hat folks may choose to spend a little extra time with family, loved ones, pillows, bicycles, race cars, or other pastimes that might not have …

FPL future.

I’ve been the Fedora Project Leader for a little over two years now, and now that we’re rocketing (sorry!) toward my fifth release in that role, I’m interested in branching out into other ways of championing free and open source software at Red Hat.  Before I do that, I want …

Denizen for a day.

I flew up to Boston yesterday to be in Westford for a couple of days. As it turns out, John Poelstra is also in Westfrd this week for team meetings, so I met up with him and another coworker to ride out to Westford. I got to meet some other …

Documenting the goodness.

The Fedora Documentation team uses a fantastic tool called Publican for their documentation work. Publican allows people to turn DocBook XML source, a popular and fairly ubiquitous format, into beautiful renderings in HTML, PDF, ASCII, and even RPM. Publican was developed by Jeff Fearn, who works at Red Hat’s office …

Marketing FAD Day 0.

I had a pretty uneventful drive from Fredericksburg to Raleigh, and arrived at the hotel with plenty of time to unwind. I met up with Henrik, Ben, and Neville at the lobby, and after a couple quick phone calls I rejoined them and we did a little catching up. It’s …