Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>fudcon f11</span>

BarCamp @FUDCon F11

A little late with the blogging, but dinner went overtime. ? BarCamp starts at 9:00am on Saturday, as listed on the wiki. We’ll have breakfast arriving sometime between 8:00 and 8:30. Breakfast consists of coffee, tea, juice, bagels, and pastry. We’ll start pitches at 9:00am, so please be on time. …

Chatty Cathies.

The Board will be meeting on IRC today at 1900 UTC / 2pm US Eastern time. You can find out how to join the conference on the Fedora wiki. This will be the last meeting of the current Fedora Board, and after the last appointed seat is set up this …

Drawing to a close.

The blog’s been pretty quiet for the last week because I took some time to just relax, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the company’s holiday shutdown period. This has been a very eventful year for me and my family, including my moving from the public to the …

FUDCon update.

FUDCon F11 is rolling mightily along, with a whole mess o’ new names up on the wiki this week. I also notice that many people are signing up for hackfests and BarCamp sessions, which is wonderful. This is always my favorite time in the preparation stages — when people really …

Eking it out.

Setting up this FUDCon has been an exercise in hair-pulling. With only about $15K to work with, it’s also been an exercise in corner-cutting. I have the option of blowing away the “refreshments” part of the FUDCon budget — the money that would pay for drinks and snacks during the …

Revenge of balloon-head.

FUDCon news. Another sign that one shouldn’t spend a lot of time emailing large groups of people while on decongestants: // // // Long and short is, though, that FUDCon F11 is in full swing, and coming up January 9-11 in Boston. All the important details are on the wiki, …

FUDCon and gifting.

I had a couple tidbits to pass along on the day after release, neither of which directly concerns Fedora 10 itself. FUDCon classroom space has been confirmed at MIT. We’ll be taking up in the Sloan Building as predicted. We have plenty of classrooms reserved on the third floor and …