Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>voting</span>

Elections are open.

During the next week, Fedora contributors will vote for open seats on both the Fedora Project Board and the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo). The polls are now open for both elections through the Fedora Election System. (Remember to login or you won’t see the voting link for an election.) …

The name game, no. 14.

The Fedora 14 name has been announced, and it’s Laughlin. Later this week our other election processes will be moving ahead as well. Paul Mellors and Larry Cafiero will post answers to the candidate questionnaire, and following that, John Rose will help kick off our series of live, IRC town …


Voting is now open for the Fedora 14 release name. Naming the next release is yet another way that our community is involved in making the future of Fedora. If you’re a member of any group in Fedora (beyond completing the CLA), you can vote on this ballot. To cast …

Election extensions.

As seen here on the fedora-advisory-board list: Although Mike McGrath and the Infrastructure team don’t expect the server relocation to affect our upcoming elections, we want to make sure the community’s ability to vote is not unnecessarily affected given the timing. The original voting period was December 8-15, and the …

The tallies are in.

Election results for the Fedora Project Board, the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee, and the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee are all announced this morning. Bill Nottingham and Matt Domsch have been elected to the two open seats on the Board. Josh Boyer, Dan Horák, Jarod Wilson, and Jon Stanley have been …

Our elections coordinator Nigel Jones has set up the balloting for the Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAMSCo. On every ballot are fantastic individuals who are willing to give extra time and energy to Fedora to try to improve the project for their fellow contributors. Good luck to everyone on the …