Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
For those among you tracking me on the Loserometer.

For those among you tracking me on the Loserometer.

Every once in a while I get a nice SMS message on my phone from a friend — typically a more wired one like a fellow Fedoran. Since I have no text message plan on my phone, those texting me may wonder why I never respond. Am I too busy? Overly rude? Trapped under something very heavy?

Worry not, I’m simply frugal (or is that miserly?). I don’t have my cell phone with me in the office and since I’m typically on the interwebz then, I figure if people want to reach me they’ve got IRC and email. So I never bothered to get a text plan. If you text me and I don’t respond, don’t be hurt, I love you too. ?