The Grand Fallacy

Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
The Grand Fallacy

The next big things, 2017 edition.

Along with several people on the Fedora Engineering team, I recently attended the 2017 event. The conference has grown into an amazingly successful gathering of open source developers. Most attendees live in Europe but there were some from every continent. The coverage spanned all the big open source buzz-generating technologies. Session topics …

Holiday Break 2016.

It’s sad I don’t get more time to post here these days. Being a manager is a pretty busy job, although I have no complaints! It’s enjoyable, and fortunately I have one of the best teams imaginable to work with, the Fedora Engineering team. Since we’re coming to the close …

Wheee, another addition.

I’m thrilled to announce that Jeremy Cline has joined the Fedora Engineering team, effective today. Like our other recent immigrant, Randy Barlow, Jeremy was previously a member of Red Hat’s Pulp team. (This is mostly coincidental — the Pulp team’s a great place to work, and people there don’t just move to Fedora automatically.) Jeremy …

Another addition.

I’m extremely happy to announce that Randy Barlow has joined the Fedora Engineering team, effective today. Randy was previously a member of Red Hat’s team working on technologies like Pulp. You can find his fingerprints in many upstream repositories as a frequent contributor. This is fortunate for our team, since Randy will be contributing …

Travels, 2016.

I realized that some folks around the Fedora community may wonder why they don’t see me around as often this week and next week. I’m still alive and well, but I’m traveling in the Czech Republic. I’m currently in Brno for some Red Hat departmental meetings. Following that, I’ll be attending …

Holiday break 2015.

The upcoming holiday break seems like a good time to break my silence on the blog. I haven’t had much time for writing of my own lately. I’ve been using most of that time writing and editing for the Fedora Magazine. That’s been quite rewarding, and our readership there keeps …