Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>FredLUG</span>

Flock 2015 thoughts.

Getting started at Flock Like everyone on the Fedora Engineering team, I was in Rochester for the Flock conference last week. After several flight delays on our direct flight from DCA to Rochester, Justin Forbes, Ricky Elrod, and I finally arrived a little after 9:00pm — about four hours late. Thankfully Josh Boyer came to pick …

PulseAudio is still awesome.

PulseAudio is an indispensable part of my Fedora Workstation. While PulseAudio may have detractors, my experience has been all good. Most sound problems I’ve seen come down to one of the following: Bad drivers at a lower layer (not PulseAudio’s problem) Bad hackery in the distro (ohai *buntu) People parroting years-old Internet “wisdom” …

Fedora kernel engineer.

Red Hat has an immediate opening for a full-time engineer to join the kernel team in Fedora Engineering. This job will work with Josh Boyer and Justin Forbes to maintain and improve the kernel in Fedora, and participate and contribute to upstream development and testing. This job interacts with the Fedora team and community, the …

Design Team FAD 2015.

I’m here in Westford over the weekend with other members of the Fedora Design Team for their Fedora activity day. I traveled up to chilly Boston on Thursday midday, so I could assist by transporting people from the airport to our hotel in Westford. On Friday, we convened in the …

Flock Day 4.

Here’s a summary of Saturday’s activity at Flock 2014 where I participated or attended. I also have blog entries for Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3. The constant stream of late nights was really getting to me. Didn’t arrive at the venue until about 9:15am. I skipped the first …

Flock Day 3.

Here’s a summary of Friday’s activity at Flock 2014 where I participated or attended. I also have blog entries for Day 1 and Day 2. Didn’t make it up quite so early today, due to not turning in until about 2:30am the previous night. I got to the school basically …