Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Red Hat</span>

XML editing with Emacs.

I’ve been using GNU Emacs ever since I started working with the Fedora documentation team years ago. I wouldn’t call myself a power user by any means, but it handles my modest needs very well. Other people may have different preferences, which is fine. (Holy wars to /dev/null please.) In …

GTD at FUDCon.

The upcoming FUDCon in Tempe will be a rather interesting experience for me, because in a sense I’ll be returning to a role as an individual contributor in Fedora. One of the things I’m looking forward to doing in that role is sitting down with any contributors who are involved …

Insight into Insight.

As you may remember, Gentle Readers, not too long ago I changed roles in Red Hat to work more on management and administration within the platform engineering department, where I work for Tim Burke. Even if you haven’t run into Tim at one of our Fedora Users and Developers Conference …

Pick me up, no. 9247.

Last night, in the wake of the excellent Fedora 14 release, I was feeling a little wistful. In part that’s because Fedora 14 marks the last release where I participated as the Fedora Project Leader or helped with FPL-ish release tasks. I’m confident Jared will do a great job with …

Where’s Pauldo?

When Jared started as the new FPL in July, I started a process of transitioning to a new role in Red Hat. A lot of the parameters of that new role, which is currently called an “operations manager,” were yet to be defined. (In fact, some of them still are.) …