Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>community</span>

Nochat on.

If you’ve tried to reach me via IRC this week and failed, it’s because I haven’t been on Freenode for chat for several days. Sorry about the absence — even as I’ve been participating here at LinuxTag and prepare for FUDCon, there is still a massive amount of work that …

Board results.

The Fedora Board election results and the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee election results have been posted. Thank you to all those who voted, and to all those who ran for election. I’d like to welcome Dennis Gilmore and Tom ‘spot’ Callaway back to the Board, and also a special welcome …

SELF, day 1 and 2.

Day 1: Slept really poorly, probably just a result of angst over my keynote, which, in the tradition of fine Fedora Project Leaders of yore, I completely rewrote the night before, finally turning in around 1:30am and waking up about every hour afterward (like clockwork!). The first day of SELF …

SELF, day 0.8.

I should have mentioned one other fun thing that I did with my evening last night. I don’t want to put unfair pressure on anyone, and I’m sure he’s doing a ton of interviews over the course of the SELF event. But I had a great time having a long …

SELF, day 0.

I had a great flight yesterday from Dulles to Greenville — the plane was very sparsely filled, and I had an exit row all to myself! It made for a great work environment even with a short flight. When I landed and picked up my car, I was both horrified …

Head down tomorrow.

Due to my travel to this week’s Fedora Activity Day in Raleigh, and the marketing work around the release, I find myself a little strapped for time and with a lot of writing to do. Tomorrow I will probably be absent from most IRC and only addressing critical email so …