Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>learning</span>

Enrichment class.

Lately, as an extramural project I’ve been preparing an enrichment class I’ll be teaching at my kids’ elementary school in November. The class is for fifth graders, a very light introduction to software and programming concepts. The kids elect their enrichment class, which is a fantastic way to put together …

Doubling up.

So having been around the merry go round a few times, I might as well confess that I’ve embraced my share of basically harmless vices. Booze? Check. As in, check my liquor cabinet for the good stuff. Loud rock’n’roll? DUH. Did I tell you about my big Lyle Lovett hair …

Musings on the muse.

I’ve been writing so much this week it’s hard to believe my blog’s empty thus far. Surveys, email interview questions, internal stuff for Da Hat — but no blogging! And of course I’m low on time for tonight, but I wanted to respond to Kevin’s post about what people love …

FUDCon signups.

As of this writing, we have 120 people signed up for the FUDCon Toronto 2009 event, and it’s still a month away! I’m so excited to be holding the first North American event outside the USA. I’m also looking forward to seeing many good friends there, such as the illustrious …

UTOSC 2009, Day 3.

I’m sitting in the pleasant (and free wifi-equipped!) Salt Lake City airport, waiting for my plane back to DC and my home and family. I’m really looking forward to seeing them for dinner and a few hours of together time, before I motor off to Raleigh early tomorrow morning. Yesterday …