Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Fedora</span>

Bring on the skins.

Did you know that you can use Fedora trademarks to create skins, application themes, Firefox personas, and other such application sprucer-uppers, pursuant to our trademark guidelines? You can find this change, along with complete usage guidelines, through our trademark guidelines page on the Fedora wiki.

Power punch.

Fedora Talk, Gobby, and IRC make for a great combination when it comes to inclusive conferencing. I joined a bit late, but there’s a fantastic online-enhanced teleconference going on today to tease out all the details around No Frozen Rawhide. Developers and maintainers will undoubtedly have questions about how the …

Musings on the muse.

I’ve been writing so much this week it’s hard to believe my blog’s empty thus far. Surveys, email interview questions, internal stuff for Da Hat — but no blogging! And of course I’m low on time for tonight, but I wanted to respond to Kevin’s post about what people love …


According to the Statistics page on the wiki, last week we passed 1 million IP checkins for Fedora 12 systems!  This is roughly on par with where Fedora 11 was at the same time after its release, although it’s hard to discern the actual number of installations worldwide. Although IP …

Events FAD 2010.

I attended the Events FAD 2010 that happened this past weekend, along with Mel Chua, David Nalley, Clint Savage, Jon Stanley, Dennis Gilmore, Steven Parrish, Chris Tyler, and Max Spevack. I arrived on Thursday evening, in time to catch Max and Greg at the office and say hi. Most of …