Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Fedora</span>

Laptop mode, check.

I’m using my hawt new Dell XPS M1330 and have been a direct beneficiary of the equally hawt F8. The iwl3945 module which cost me about 60%+ in performance at F7 release time is now providing peak performance in Rawhide (pre-F8). Media keys all work great, including volume, track control, …

Throwing it all away.

Thanks to several intrepid Fedorans who lined up bugs for me for the Installation Guide, including Marvelous Mike McGrath and Jason Taylor! I fixed all of them on the plane as I flew to the Left Coast Monday evening. I had no time to devote to FOSS this weekend at …

Weekend reprobate.

This weekend I am in recording sessions, doing preproduction work with Laura, Arch, and Rich. Things are going very well so far — We tracked rhythm section work for four tunes, “Helicopter’s Rope,” “Roads,” “Keep Talking,” and “Our History.” Tomorrow will be spent putting down vocals, some guitars, and fitting …

Release Notes freeze.

Tomorrow night at 2359 UTC the wiki beats, where we collect the release notes for F8, will be “frozen” for the final release. From there, we produce DocBook XML sources which go to the L10N folks for translation for the F8 general release. I am hoping there is not too …

Master of the b5add9.

It’s pleasant enough to work outside for a little while, and at least I can confirm while typing this entry that this Dell is, in fact, usable in more-or-less direct sunlight. I’m going to work on some side projects today since I’ve been keeping up with core Fedora docs work …

New IG beta.

I’ve posted a new draft copy of the Fedora Installation Guide at my FedoraPeople site. There’s now a rewritten appendix on using cobbler to make an installation server. Many thanks to my friend Matt Quigley for getting me started down that road, since I hadn’t had time to explore it …