Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Humor</span>

A little excitement.

Today was weirdly bifurcated between hacking and sightseeing. Morning and late night I spent working on Luke Macken’s irssi-notify script, which Thorsten wrote about earlier today. At Luke’s suggestion, I put a quick project page up at Google Code. Hopefully folks will feel free to make (reasonable) suggestions for improvements. …


Frankly, I’m outraged that my favorite didn’t make it to the list of Firefox Flicks that will be advertised on TV. Before you cringe, note the similarities between this ad and other highly successful (if annoying) ad campaigns: Simple, memorable, and annoying repetitive meme (cf. “Where’s the beef?”, “Whassuuuuuup,” and …

Dive into travel.

(Cached on disk since Tuesday evening, just got online to post it tonight.) It’s been an extraordinarily long time, relatively speaking, since I last posted, but I swear, Dear Reader, that it’s only because I was trapped under something heavy, called WORKLOAD. It’s a heartless monster that spirits you away …

Why yes, we are surprised!

Tonight Eleya pointed out the cover of this month’s Parenting magazine, which featured the blurb, “6 Surprising Things Your Baby Really Needs.” Of course, before reading the article, we had to come up with our own list: Ferrari Walther PPK Expense account Butcher knife Bartending guide Mistress Needless to say, …

Drink up!

How to make a Paul Frields Ingredients: 1 part friendliness 1 part humour 1 part ego Method:Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring Username: Personality cocktailFrom