Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Linux</span>

It’s coming.

Including free software discs (of course!), buttons, stickers, free giveaway drawings for cool schwag, and lots of information about how to free yourself and your computer from worry and struggle. Come join the millions of people who’ve found a better way to make using their computers fun again!


I think Joe Brockmeier and I tend to have a lot in common on the subject of comporting oneself, as his recent ZDNet blog entry shows. In that entry, Joe looks at this subject from the practical point of view: How will an employer view your flamefests? But the larger …

Li’l hug.

This has been an extraordinarily long and busy day, and other than a couple hours of breaks for lunch, dinner, bio, and munchkin bedtime rustlin’, I’ve been on the computer from 7am until 11pm. But before I left for the day I wanted to thank a trio of folks, Jens …