Category: Politics + Philosophy
(Supposedly) deep thoughts I’m having
The fizzy and the still.
For a few minutes it seemed like much of the world — as seen from my little vantage point in the intartubez — stood still, as the U.S. inaugurated its 44th President in customary, non-violent, and celebratory fashion. There was an enormous crowd, a stirring speech and call to action, …
How about that desktop?
I figured while I’m in a super-bloggy mood today I’d add this tidbit. Someone asked me a question about what might be missing from distributions like Fedora that would help it reach more users. This question isn’t new and I’ve given the subject a lot of thought over the last …
The sound of one large gal warbling.
Everyone in the USA, regardless of personal political persuasion, should acknowledge this is a historic day. Sen. McCain just made an incredibly gracious, dignified, and honestly moving concession speech acknowledging the moment and importance of the election of our first President of color. Now I’m waiting for the victory speech …
Grab bag of goodies.
Preview Release. First, the goodiest of the goodies: Fedora 10 Preview Release is out today. Grab a torrent and start seeding the love! (Don’t forget to add vga=0x317 or the like to your GRUB to see the hot new Plymouth feature at work.) Update: Jeremy tells me that this is …
You’re going to need a bigger shovel.
Thanks to my friend Jesse for bringing this up last night at dinner. In the middle of all the market mayhem here in the US, did you know that we now have a Pirate Czar? (Yarrr!) All thanks to the Pro-IP bill signed into law on Monday. Another “triumph” for …
How I’ve missed your convoluted way of speaking.
Today I’m at the Red Hat Government Users and Developers Conference in Washington, D.C. As one would expect, the Ronald Reagan Trade Building has completely failed to deliver a working wireless connection without severely cracking the folds of my wallet. And of course I can’t live without connectivity, so here …
They try to make him go to rehab, he says no no no.
I could spend a lot of this blog talking about how incredibly insane it is for our government to be spending another $700B bailing out the greedy, the stupid, and the clueless. I could rail equally against both sides of the aisle for acting as if this wasn’t the exact …
I think Joe Brockmeier and I tend to have a lot in common on the subject of comporting oneself, as his recent ZDNet blog entry shows. In that entry, Joe looks at this subject from the practical point of view: How will an employer view your flamefests? But the larger …
Should have kept that title in reserve.
YouTube is starting come in really handy for local politics these days. Here’s a doozy from my neck of the woods. Apparently the fact that our county has the #1 business growth rate in Virginia must have nothing to do with the fact that this is one of the only …