Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Tag: <span>boston</span>

Boston bound again.

As I write this, I’m sitting on a plane on my way to Boston, having rolled out of bed at the unwholesome hour of 4:00am and into Richmond to catch a 7:00am flight. What’s that you say? Another week of travel for Stickster? Yes indeed — much to my wife’s …

Upcoming travel.

It’s going to be a busy couple of weeks for me. I’m leaving tomorrow to attend and speak at EXPOSOL in Costa Rica. I’ll be discussing cultivation of cummunities and how companies and communities can learn to work together for the benefit of both. I’ve never been to CR before …

FUDCon status.

OK, this post obviously didn’t make it out of Australia before I did. It was a pretty grueling travel day, with a 13-hour flight from BNE to LAX, followed by Customs (a thankfully brief wait) and then a four-hour layover followed by another five-hour flight back to IAD, then home. …

Grab bag of goodies.

Preview Release. First, the goodiest of the goodies: Fedora 10 Preview Release is out today. Grab a torrent and start seeding the love! (Don’t forget to add vga=0x317 or the like to your GRUB to see the hot new Plymouth feature at work.) Update: Jeremy tells me that this is …

FUDCon signup update.

We should have hotel information available very soon, which will be posted to the wiki and notifications made everywhere there’s free space. I wanted to ask people, even if they have already signed up for FUDCon, to revisit the page and make sure all the columns are filled out. I …

FUDCon dates set.

January 9-11, 2009. These are the dates when the North American Fedora community will gather in Boston, Massachusetts to host another in a long line of very successful, mostly self-organizing conferences where we gather to talk about hot new developments, assess and kick off work on the next release, and …