The Grand Fallacy

Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
The Grand Fallacy

Angry, with a point to make.

This morning we’re (finally!) having our air conditioner replaced. The crew is from a well-respected specialist outfit that’s been in business around here for over 75 years. (Thankfully, given the heat and humidity, none of the folks that came this morning have actually been at the company that long themselves.) …

V for “very good.”

SuperWife has earned her title this week by finding good things for us to eat that involve very little cooking, which is a boon considering temperatures outside have been hovering near the century mark for a couple days now, with humidity somewhere between “sauna” and “armpit.” Ugly, hazy air is …

Scholarships ahoy!

Ethan is now at the stage where, between spates of screeching and spinning his head off his shoulders while fire shoots from his eyes and ears, he is taking quantum leaps of development, especially linguistic. At age 2-1/2 or so, he’s lagging only slightly behind where Evie was at his …

Guys’ night out.

Just got home from carousing and carrying on with some very close, old, and good friends (In the best senses of all words concerned) tonight. We holed up at a neighborhood pub (or the closest facsimile that the US can provide — given that we’re in Virginia, that’s not too …