Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Cinema + DVD</span>

Cooling off period.

There’s been a stifling mini-heat wave here in the mid-Atlantic states, with temperatures yesterday and today up around 100 F, with heat indexes closer to 110 F due to the humidity (or, as I like to refer to it, “soupy crotchness”). By the way, thanks Florida! Now I can thank …

Rice rockets.

Saké. As part of my saké/soju sojourn, I did a little light readin on ur interwebz about different grades and methodologies regarding saké. Enough, apparently, that I now feel it appropriate to pretentiously use the “é” character in the word saké — hey, at least I’m not saying “é??.” So …

V for “very good.”

SuperWife has earned her title this week by finding good things for us to eat that involve very little cooking, which is a boon considering temperatures outside have been hovering near the century mark for a couple days now, with humidity somewhere between “sauna” and “armpit.” Ugly, hazy air is …