Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
Category: <span>Linux</span>

Free as in speech.

Thanks, Greg, for once again proving the point that free software is really about the freedom and not the cost. What’s the deal with the paper-thin FUD saying, “hardware vendors don’t certify source RPMs”? Of course they do! Source is tied one-to-one to the binary RPMs the hardware vendors certify; …

Happy 2007!

We finished out 2006 with a wonderful weekend stay at a beautiful, enormous lakefront rental house, with two other families who have been good friends of ours for many a year. Unfortunately, we partied a little too hard the night before New Year’s Eve, so when the big night came …


Frankly, I’m outraged that my favorite didn’t make it to the list of Firefox Flicks that will be advertised on TV. Before you cringe, note the similarities between this ad and other highly successful (if annoying) ad campaigns: Simple, memorable, and annoying repetitive meme (cf. “Where’s the beef?”, “Whassuuuuuup,” and …

Not getting it, Part 36.

My friend Christopher (possibly the de facto king of thoughtful geeky Christian libertarian blogging) asked me to blog this response to some email he sent me: Wow, that article is one of the most prima facie ignorant pieces I’ve read on free software and open source in quite some time. …

Reality check.

On the other hand, Christopher, here’s a few things John C. Dvorak misses in his ill-informed screed against the OLPC laptop. I note he didn’t have any qualms about running ahead with his article, which doesn’t seem to be a time-sensitive issue piece, having not talked to MIT’s Nicholas Negroponte …

FredLUG takes off (again)!

Last night was a reconsitution of the Fredericksburg (VA) Linux Users Group, and it was small but successful. We had a nice variety of interesting (and interested) folks there, with specialties such as investigation and forensics and Asterisk and PBX. There were several other folks who sent apologies and will …


Doing my part to boost the number of women in technical fields… The other night, my daughter picked up a book of assembly programming I had laying on an endtable for later perusal, and started reading it. I don’t think she understood much of it, but I honestly can’t be …

On the road again.

Out in Salt Lake City this week, I have a chance to catch up with some friends from work, many of whom I haven’t seen — gosh, in years. I get to bang on some Linux related stuff all day, such as writing some Python code. I use “code” very …