The Grand Fallacy

Linux, musical road-dogging, and daily life by Paul W. Frields
The Grand Fallacy

Back in the swing.

As usually happens when we near some deadline for releasables, I’ve been wielding a heavy axe in Docs CVS. I get very antsy about the state of our build tools for some reason, and start making what I hope are improvements. Made one fairly glaring mistake about dealing with XML …

Brr, getting colder…

The Fedora Documentation Project will be more or less “freezing” the release notes on the wiki tomorrow at 2359 UTC (7:59 pm US/Eastern) to bring in release notes content for translation for Fedora 7 test4. If you have changes to report that are relevant for Fedora 7 — and we …

Head ’em up.

So I’m sure that title has never, ever been used in a blog entry about Rawhide. Ahem. Anyhoo… I’m trying F7 test3 (more or less, whatever Rawhide was this afternoon) on my ThinkPad T60p and, like Warren, getting absolutely no love from my ipw3945 wireless using the new iwlwifi. This …

Hidden gems.

With all the talk about xchat notifications, it’s worth noting that the xchat-gnome package already comes with this functionality. Simply use gconf-editor (or hand) to edit the GConf key apps/xchat/plugins/notification/level key. I set mine to the value 3, which means any normally hilighted messages will generate a notification.

Mixed feelings.

Chris, I’m torn about these ads myself. On the one hand, they don’t completely suck. Attractive female representing Linux is a nice touch. Both the script and the production values are pretty good. On the other hand, the ads contribute to the mistaken impression that there’s no innovation in FOSS. …

The Bloviators.

When Max writes about metrics, it’s important to remember that he’s not picking on Ubuntu. We firmly believe that Linux success is roughly proportional forward and backward with Fedora success; my personal feeling is that when Linux does better, any hand-waving and blustering to thte contrary by people with prior …