Category: Fedora
Things I write for Planet FedoraProject consumption
Scholarships ahoy!
Ethan is now at the stage where, between spates of screeching and spinning his head off his shoulders while fire shoots from his eyes and ears, he is taking quantum leaps of development, especially linguistic. At age 2-1/2 or so, he’s lagging only slightly behind where Evie was at his …
Today’s 800lb (~360kg) elephant.
Thank you, thank you Konstantin, for pointing this out. This has been annoying me for a while and I had just internalized the rage. Here’s some additions to the list. Anything that calls itself “gnome” is, IMHO, grist for the mill: xchat-gnome: exit application This might make sense at first …
Challenge and response.
I am really enjoying the Python Challenge, a site to which Toshio sent me a link the other day on the #fedora-python channel. I’m at level 7 and — since this interrupted my reading of Dive Into Python — I’m now starting to bump against the limit of what I’ve …
Camper van Leech.
If you’re a Fedoran who does Python, I invite you to camp on #fedora-python… mostly because I intend to sponge off you while I learn.
WordPress and FC5.
After moving my WP to my rejuvenated and software-RAIDed web server, I ran into what is apparently — owing to the googlejuice — a fairly common problem. WordPress would simply not connect to the MySQL database I have on a separate machine inside my firewall. I checked all the configuration …
Quick fix.
Aside to Konstantin, et al., regarding problems with VMWare and the newest 2.6.17 kernels: Just pick up the vmware-any-any update (101) available here, apply, and enjoy.
Late night musings.
Kimchi. I’ve developed an almost heroin-sized monkey on my back for Korea’s official food, which, as it turns out, is not only very healthy, but also comes with its own supercute logo. I have a big jar of the most popular baechu variety in my refrigerator, much to my wife’s …
Not quite da Vinci level, thankfully.
The prize, a ginyoowine glass boot (actual height ~6.5?, and freshly sanitized, since I’m not sure how they were packed on their way to Nashville) goes to Dave Malcolm for getting the correct message posted first. Wow, the most non-spam comments ever for a blog entry! (Sad, I know.) Honorary …
The codebreakers.
In answer to Dave’s “stop the madness” comment — agreed. To wit: If y1u a1e t1e f3t p4n w1o c1n g3s t2s e4e m5e c7y, a1d p2t t1e a4r as a c5t in my b2g, I w2l s2d y1u a g3s b2t f2m t1e S4t.